This section is between Walton and Moncton.
Overall Condition
This section is not a highlight reel of the G2G. It is very open with minimal tree coverage. There are fields on either side of the trail so if you went later in the growing season there may be a slight improvement in trail privacy. As it is you can definitely see and hear the roads on both sides of the trail. The trail itself is flat, as usual, but has quite a bit more grass running down the center. Making it a little bit harder to share the path. There are a few spots with tree coverage but they are nothing to write home about.
Like I said earlier this section you can see the road on both sides of the trail. It was quite windy the day we walked this section, of it wasn't I have no doubt you would hear the traffic driving by. Foot/bike traffic was slower than we have seen when we were closer to Blyth.
Admittedly for this section we parked on Turnbull Line and walked back towards MacDonald Line. So let me backtrack. Parking on MacDonald Line is okay. At the trail head there is some room to park slanted on the shoulder. However, there is a small hill on the road so do this with caution. We found parking on Turnbull Line better for visibility. The issue on this side road is that we parked on the edge a someone's property which nestles up beside the start of the trail. This seems like a good time to remind you that the G2G is NOT set up for section hikes. It is obviously doable but parking is always at your own discretion. There are very few actual parking spots.